Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The power of the computer

The computer is very powerful tool to use. Understanding and knowing how to use the software applications that are available on your particular machine can take some muddling through or as I found useful, attending a class on how to use specific applications more fully. Computers have come a long way from just being able to'crunch'data and transfer data. They do still get used for these abilities and many, many more things.
This occupied many weeks of lecture time if one was to think of all the applications to be used and learnt about eg. http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~comp1900/Lectures/comp1900_wk_4_word_processing_Lec.pdf ,

http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~comp1900/Lectures/comp1900_Wk7_spreadsheets_notes.pdf ,

I think our lectures involving data and metadata would be linked here and into the consumer to producer section as well. This is due to the application of data in the area of tagging.

1 comment:

COMP1900-2008-Marie said...

huge area to cover, but here is an article of applicatons and how we can laern in different ways