Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Interface as a mediator

Interface can be described as the mediator, in this particular point of reference, for the use of computers. This website has a good basic description of an interface within a computer reference. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/I/interface.html . Any interface to be used can be a little inhibiting if there is too much information demanding your attention.

How most of us mediate the use of a computer is through a Graphical User Interface (GUI - goo ee). This is the very first screen seen by the user once the computer has booted up and the operating system (OS) is active. We are most familiar with Microsoft and Apple software as the OS available.

http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~comp1900/Lectures/comp1900_wk_2_technology_Lec.pdf is a link to the lecture notes used when we were discussing the different forms of interfaces including GUI.

I also found, when I had done a basic google search, that there was sites available from Java, Python and other types of information of programming language companies.

1 comment:

COMP1900-2008-Marie said...

This article I found to be interesting when relating it to the thoughts of interface use - http://delivery.acm.org.ezproxy.library.uq.edu.au/10.1145/130000/122859/p289-foley.pdf?key1=122859&key2=7156166221&coll=ACM&dl=ACM&CFID=10772462&CFTOKEN=26112455