Thursday, November 13, 2008


yes I do have and use Facebook :)
mmm How does everything of this course apply here?? Basic word processing of course is involved through being able to type / write notes or letters to the allowed peoples. The allowances are something that I can control and I do appreciate being able to control, to a certain extent, the people viewing or interacting with my information. I find the number of applications avavilable to use on this website is absolutlely massive. Some are for commercial purposes and others are random ones done by other users of this website. Even though any pictures that I upload are then considered Facebbok's property. I do find this to be a little inhibiting to wanting to put any more pictures on this site, not that I am really inclined to post a lot of pictures anyway :P
As evidenced by my use of 'emotes ' such as the smiley face :) and others, the internet has also spawned its own version of expression, which is also widely used with mobile phone text messaging.

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