Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gaming - influenced by

This is an area of my life that is rather neglected at the moment (atm)...oops had to lengthen the shorthand words to full english words LOL (laugh out loud). Without the GUI such online gaming, multi-media online role playing game (mmorpg) such as World of Warcraft (wow) as I like to participate in would not be possible. One tends to rely heavily on activities that are bound to a specific keys on the keyboard... I do have a Logitech G15 keyboard to allow for macros to be bound and used in gameplay. This is then a marketing facility realised to cater for the computer gaming communities.
In game communicaton is easily done. There are several channels supplied for various sections of a typed version of communication. An example is general chat, trade chat, looking for group (lfg), personal one to one chat with someone in game referred to as whispers. Due to gaming content involving groups having to be co-ordinated internet verbal communication as well as the normal typing is involved. The best way I can think of to describe this is that it is similar to skype but this server setup allows for multiple people,up to 40, to be in the same conversation at the same time.It is now supplied within the game, whereas it originally was not so. Yet again a catering to the gaming community. The game is supplied with a language filter, which can be turned off. Other social and moral issues do arise within the game, usually from a higher level character killing a low level character (lowbie). This is generally called ganking. There are game servers set up that discourage this type of behaviour for anyone uncomfortable with player versus player (pvp) game interaction. These are player versus environment (pve) servers.
The computer allows for my enjoyment of this social activity and continual communial contact with friends via the internet.

Potential intersting article for future use?

I found this a bit over my head in understanding some of the language, but the general gist of it strikes me as being very similar to some of our course informations.


yes I do have and use Facebook :)
mmm How does everything of this course apply here?? Basic word processing of course is involved through being able to type / write notes or letters to the allowed peoples. The allowances are something that I can control and I do appreciate being able to control, to a certain extent, the people viewing or interacting with my information. I find the number of applications avavilable to use on this website is absolutlely massive. Some are for commercial purposes and others are random ones done by other users of this website. Even though any pictures that I upload are then considered Facebbok's property. I do find this to be a little inhibiting to wanting to put any more pictures on this site, not that I am really inclined to post a lot of pictures anyway :P
As evidenced by my use of 'emotes ' such as the smiley face :) and others, the internet has also spawned its own version of expression, which is also widely used with mobile phone text messaging.

How all has applied to my study?

As a frequent computer user, let alone the fact of doing a computer course, I have found, once I knew about some of the terms and ideas, that I use a lot of products. I use my computers interface without being consciously aware of it; just click and away I go. Word processing, emails and Facebook are frequently used by myself to stay in touch with friends, make new ones and allow for connections in all areas of my interests and studies. I also use the internet social pages and search engines in slightly different ways now due to a better understanding of what is driving some of the things, such as what is involved on less visible surfaces of internet, World Wide Web (WWW) and social functions available on these arenas.

Extra Topics ?

One topic I think might be of use within this subject is adding in some information about the basic hardware of a computer setup. Looking at the insides of a computer tower and how it is all physically connected.
Another potential topic would be how to use or deal with viruses, trojans and other unwanted intrusions and how to ascertain if they are present, so as not to corrupt any of your published data.
Maybe a topic on other forms of data storage. external hard drives, cd's, flash drives.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feedback: Zun

For this slideshow presentation of our comp1900, assignment 2 information, I found this slideshow to quite clean visually and easy to read.
The presentation flowed through it's ideas well. Unfortunately I do not understand some of the information provided in the graphs and charts. What was ADL? The static display in the charts and graphs is well done.
I can remember this group as doing a rotation presentation of the data as it was shown, well spoken and presented.


For this particular slideshow presentation,of comp1900 assignment2 information, I found the visual presentation to be quite well set out. Easy to read and follow.
There is generally a good flow of one idea to the next. I found there was several different versions of the information being presented as charts and graphs in the static section.
From what I remember of the actual presentation, it was not a concise as it could have been, but was presented quite clealy.